The Chocolate Criticism

Never heard of this before? Actually you have. Think again. Nope it’s not one of those chocolate-not-good-for-you thing. And it definitely have nothing to do with the amount of chocolate we consume a day. In reality, it has nothing to do with chocolate! GOT YOU! Don’t get me wrong, I am among those who can’t live without chocolate every day. Chocolate is my first love. But this is all about that criticism “popular culture” or campus culture get. Some people call it chocolate culture. And those books that are based on these chocolate culture dear naïve readers are termed chocolate books. Apparently these books don’t deal with serious issues, Its main target audience is the youth( that I agree upon), it has mostly bad language ( what ‘they’ mean is you know language that is not sophisticated and complicated with weird metaphors and idioms) and they are mostly about love, environment, friendship, girls worried over a pimple and guys dead keen on buying the latest model cars. ‘T...