Masjids and Spaces;Women Need None?

"But whoso does good works, whether male or female, and is a believer, such shall enter Heaven and shall not be wronged even as much as the little hollow in the back of a date-stone (Al Quran 4:125)" Time and again, we claim in words how the mighty religion shows no bias against the genders and all are equal in the eyes of God and yet time and again we prove to act otherwise. I saw such a hypocritical imbibed social negligence today that made my blood boil over. Running around the Markaz Complex in Calicut looking for sponsors for a social event, I found that one of the highlighted Masjids of Calicut town, didn't have a single room for women to enter. Looking around for a place to pray, I found one, a tiny little room hidden away in the darkest corner where no one can see and anyone who does see mistakes it for a toilet! Such is the importance given to women who believe in God and likes to keep their prayers intact.