

'Stop! Open your bag.' She froze. She thought she is almost out of this wretched airport air that made her gag. She had just let out a relieved breath she had no idea she was holding, put the sling across her pregnant belly and walked towards the Arrival exit when the officer in the orange uniform asked her to stop. 'What's the matter?' Play it cool. Play it cool her mind warned. 'We got an anonymous tip that you are... well miss.. just open your bag'. He had placed the bag on the dreaded customs table and beckoned her to open it. She felt worried. But decided to go with it. On the table across from hers, she saw a another lady, identified Muslim from her shawl, shaking with fear, as the officer in front of her ruffle through her bags, and the officer behind her put his hand inside her Pardah and scarf, roughly searching for God knows what. 'Here you go officer', she smiled sweetly at him. For good measure, she held her back an...

Celebrating 101th year of Women's Day With an 'Item' Dance

As posted by  Maktoob Media   Here we are celebrating the 101th International Women’s Day with every wall , every tweet , every jingle stating the importance of women in our lives be it as a mother, daughter , sister or wife. To prove our point, we invite on stage the sexy Miss xxxx for a sizzling “Item” number. Enjoying the paradox?

"I Vs Eye"; An Eye opening Interview with Professor Habeeb C

'Do I see darkness in my eyes? Do you see in yours? Darkness hasn't woven our lives together. Dreams. Its only Dreams that can make anyone's eyes clearer, giving the ability to see'  The above excerpt is taken from 'Music in Light' was part of many other essays, short stories, poems, interviews and memoirs that created history on 20th January 2015. An eye-opening anthology was released by the Centre for Advanced Studies and Research in English Language and Literature, Farook College, Kozhikode which is the start to the end of the many blind stereotypes we have about the visually impaired. Dance along with the rhythm of these poems, ponder on the theories and academic essays that sparks a new light, smile at how Sudheer explains how 'being blind can be fun too', relax in the short stories and play and question yourself along with the interviews. All in all, 'I vs Eye, an anthology of the visually impaired' will make you see like never before i...

My Wedding Queries

Why can’t a woman visit the husband-to-be’s house just like he does? Is even stating such a wish considered to be so evil , a joke, that makes her look like a cheap selfish egoist? I received many answers for this query, but the funniest was “um. I guess because, no one does that”. The most romantic one involved, “ooh , it will feel so special to enter that magical house for the first time in your wedding dress”. The more realistic answer was how that movement from the girl’s side will not get her any respect in the family she is going to. Then let me ask again- why does a woman who visits the husband-to be’s house with her family, gain no respect from the groom’s side? Wait, continue reading. Because here I finally ask a bunch of questions that has been eating me alive for the last couple of years, about the many uncanny, tacky, unwritten “customs” to be followed pre wedding, at the wedding and post wedding.

The Day I Had an Epiphany

The day the light dawned on me... I day I changed my ways and followed a new path...was not when I Became a palliative volunteer. It was many months after effortless homecares , nursecares , long determined rallys, daily meetings and tiring camps, and those fund collections that made sweat a regular visitor that I had an epiphany of what a huge hypocrite I am.

Unity Yet Diversity: Documentry with a Diversity

The phrase "Unity in Diversity" is often used with much pride by almost every Indian in every speech ever made since school days. Its been in the text books, in tourist guides, in the media everywhere. But somehow "India is the most racially discriminating country" as the documentary "Unity Yet Diversity" (UYD) puts it. And when you come to think of it , it is. We discriminate each other not only bu the color, religion and caste of a person but also by their language and region. How many movies have we watched that made fun of  "dosa-eating dark Madrasis", the Bombay goons from the slum, the  alcoholic Punjabi spendthrifts? We may be the top in the world for making fun or discriminating our own countrymen in this world. But there are a set of people from the place we proudly call "the seven sisters" in our geography book that undergo the worst stereotypes and discrimination- The people from the North East. These Indians are not eve...

RIFA IS ON RIFA (Rifa is on the right path)

From the land of the misogynists,  From a world that considers a Hijab clad women to be a nobody,  There arose a Hijabi, who traveled all over India by the Jagrtiti Yathra. A Hijabi, not afraid to stand for what she believes in.                                                          a Hijabi who Dreamed and achieved,  Rifa Sanbaq, a journalist student in MBL, Calicut became the only Hijabi to be part of this year's Jagriti Yathra, an initiative to make the promising youth to know the inner India. She shares her experience as a Hijabi who under the social stigma is considered not "appropriate" to be a part of such movement. Get ready to get inspired