The UNchanging Concept of women in "Homes"

A boy cleaning in the kitchen- " Oh what a sweet and charming boy" " A boy helping out in the kitchen" " OH it's okay dear we will manage you don't have tp help"

A girl cleaning- "oh you missed a spot there" "when will you learn to do this properly?" " there is another dish in the sink" .
true story!

WE are the modern lot ! Oh yes we now have a broader outlook about things! We respect women. They can go out and work. No really we respect that as long as they are in the teaching or nursing profeesion and have time to produce babies, cook and clean. Oh and they should'nt stay out night too while we are at it! 
Wow so much for that ! 
let us face it! There has'nt been much of a change in this society's concept of what a women is and should be.   Looking at magazines exclusively for women and t.v programmes for "US" clearly prooves that fact. An article about "Managing your time between office and home" or an advertisement about buying a certain pressure cooker so that you can give a proper and quick breakfast to your family before running to work, just prooves my point!.

While the women are asked to juggle both or drop career,the men are not asked to "manage their time " or anything of that sort. They are still not considered "MEN" if they are helping in the kitchen or doing a 'Woman's work. NOW IT IS ABOUT TIME WE NEED A CHANGE FOLKS!! 

Don't get me wrong, i am asking for balance of work. If a woman is not working, then it is fine. SHE should atleast take care of her home. But in the case of a working lady ( which is most likely the case!), isn't it an imbalance of things when she does the same amount of work at office like you and comes home to DO EXTRA that to without any help from anyone?? 

In the modern sceanrio of things I feel work should be shared. All that men make houses, women make homes thing will not work anymore. EVEN Women are there in the construction industry!!. Okay jokes put aside, let me make my point clearly and loud: THE WORK IN THE HOUSE SHOULD BE SHARED EQUALLY!!! IT IS NOT JUST THE JOB OF THE WOMEN!!

So let us work to that scenario where such is possible , then we can say that there is an actual "change". At least when we have a home to run, make sure there is an equal balance of work in the house and outside, be it a woman or a man , boy or girl!


  1. Hy rebel i'm anwar, accidently i juz gone tru ua post n i shared it in ma fb prof., i'm well impressed by ua wndrful language n the usage f it., itz being wndrful xept the content, feminism is juz a crap,. U'll definitly realise it afta years, if u wanna reply fo tiz 9946467485

  2. You got a point there gal. !!

    But lemme tell u that things aren't so blunt from where I look at it. In this so called "male chauvinist piggy" world that women call it.. there are also men who think the other way..

    I am not trying to be the good guy here.. but I belong to a small but strong comrade group who think that yes.. our women deserve to be treated better and God willing we ll do our smaller bit for the larger purpose !!

    Hi five for a better tomorrow !


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  3. Forgot to add.. I like the way you write. U ve got a slit throat attitude in those words..!!

    The illustrations are also quite interesting !!



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