Hijab - In Democracy; In Monarchy

I am an NRI. From the most “orthodox; Antifreedom” monarchy in the world. Saudi Arabia. And guess what ? my school had a liberal policy regarding Hijab. It was a choice. That’s right, in a country where the world criticizes about lacking freedom of religious expression , degrading women, a Muslim nation where non-Muslims have no say in its political matters, have schools that makes Hijab a choice –not  a compulsion. Most of the Muslims don’t bother covering their heads let alone the others. Oh that is because it was a Indian embassy school you say ? Well it is the same in all girls schools and colleges. Outside we did have to wear Abayas. But that was mostly because of tradition rather than for the concept of Hijab. But a headscarf was something even Muslims took lightly. That is the case of “THE monarchy” dear readers.

And what do I find when I come to the world’s largest secular democracy who­-in words- give all sorts of freedom including religious expression and propagation?? Girls getting suspended for wearing an extra piece of cloth on their heads! People who oppose it being called extremists even terrorists! So much religious freedom! If a country that is based on a Islamic foundation , instead of making things worse for the Non-Muslim minority by forcing on them something , took a liberal step, why is so hard for a democratic country like India- with a majority of Muslims- so hard to accept that Hijab is a Muslim girl’s whole identity be it political or religious? In the name of uniformity, they are actually violating a constitutional law of the country- the basic foundation in which Independent India stands out among other countries? If a girl wishes to cover her head, she should be allowed!
These questions must be answered dear readers! Before calling a person who protests against this injustice a terrorist, ask yourself,which country is doing the right thing? Who actually is the wrongdoer? The answer is loud and clear. You know it, I know it. But when will this country know it ?


  1. Absolutely agree that being a democratic Republic, no one in India can be denied the freedom to practice their religion. If any institution bans you from wearing the headscarf, you can always complain to the higher authorities in a nice but firm manner. I have seen it always work. Alhamdulilah

    May He make it easy for us.

    Reached your site via the islam creative site :)

  2. thanku.. yes let us hope for a world of free will and justice.. keep reading !

  3. Good expression!... Keep writing.......


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