Facebook...facing the book of reality??

Who does'nt know about facebook?? well if you don't then I guess you are either those  I-Hate-Technology-person or you are from those parts of the world that have'nt heard of electricity yet. Or you are just lying. Caught you pinocchio!
Wow. The world of social networking! A world where people live away from reality..a virtual world where people compete to be the next virtual queens and kings. Aaah the satisfaction of getting a 100 notifications about your new status, the feeling of joy when someone you don't know and don't care to know likes your profile pic, the sweet pain you get when the connection goes off, the war we get into with our cameras in the washroom to get that perfect profile pic. Beautiful isn't it ??
 Hey don't get me wrong.. even I am in a world of likes, posts ,statuses,shares and profilepictures and even juggling two pages on it!!! But let us accept the facts shall we. Social networking sites claim they keep people in contact a lot but in truth isn't it actually making us less conected with people we care about ? Sure you know your friend is "chilling out @ the mall with so and so " but do you know what your sister is doingr in the roon next to you ?? Or your parents ??

Facebook does give a lot of information, the news feeds, the diffrent genres of pages and groups, but it doesn't let you know if the facts are true or if you are just seeing a photoshoped picture of a person on his deathbed! Oh yes you can protest so freely on it too about injustice, rape, wars and so on and so forth about every evil aspect of this world. But here is the twist, it makes you cease ACTION! Doing a demonstartion on the streets and forcing the end to "evil" need a lot of courage an guts and was difficult - but effective! Now the easiest thing to do is be share or like a post and feel oh- so - noble!

But I agree, facebook can start a revolution, it can spark many people up and yes it definetly get u in contact with your friends and family. Its great and fun too. A wholesome entertainment. But just remember folks to face the reality of it's pros and cons. Make best use of it and don't let it use you !!



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