Can I Go?

'Can I go?' I asked with a sinking heart,
I had explained it all & played my part
Well of a daughter seeking permission,
With all respect and humble submission.
My ears were exhausted,
My heart was offended.
My brain tried to explain,
of reasons that were so absurd.
The devil blew in me anger.
Anger at hearing NO.
Anger at the humiliation.
Anger for asking again.
Sure they have reasons to give.
Sure I try to understand and live.
But that single word cuts away my wings.
The wings that long to always fly.
To see places that always lie
only in my dreams.
To gain the thing they use as a reason.
Those wings are cut and carefully kept away,
For I have a good girl's role to play.
I still look at it longingly
And hope one day they would understand.
And hope one day I get to fly.


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