Theory: No discrimination, Practical:We were just Joking IMPERIALISTIC BOARD OF EDUCATION

For those of you have'nt read the back cover of an A05 textbook prescribed by the Calicut unversity for third sem students, here is what it says:
" Literature and contemporary Issues, is an attempt to sensitise students to some of the complex socioeconomic realities of the world around them. It presents a variety of viewpoints on a range of interrelated issues- human rights, discrimination based on  racial and caste boundaries, gender issues, issues related to globalisation and the new economic order"
Giving proper stress to the above underlined words, read the following headline seen in a paper in July 2013 issue:
" Ibrahim Al- Rubaish's Ode To The Sea pulled from Calicut University Syllabus "
Still don't understand the irony ? continue reading...
It was in 2007, the book 'Poems From Guantanamo : The Detainees Speak' in which Rubaish's poem 'Ode to the Sea' was published.At that time, American poet-critic, Robert Pinsky said that these voices 'decree above all, not admiration or belief or sympathy-but attention. Attention to them is urgent for us. Our textbook which teaches complex socioeconomic realities in the form of literature and presents a variety of viewpoints decided to remove a beautiful piece of poetry due to the mere belief that the poet who bared his soul and anguish about imprisonment and loneliness was an Al-Qaeda terrorist 

 Ah! Now you get the irony. 
Since when have we looked in so deep into a poet's background while reading a piece of poetry? Haven't we considered many people as great poets and artists even while knowing they were thieves, rapists, murderers, drug addicts etc? Haven't we praised the violent obscene literature, the guerrilla literature etc? Both genuine and bizarre view points are celebrated in literature today. Yet an innocent poem on a prisoner's loneliness and wish to see his family is being considered a 'threat' to the young minds!

Ironic fact no. two: The book that says to stop discrimination , discriminates! Or else why would a book that proudly claims to present a 'variety of viewpoint' on 'socioeconomic reality' fear to present a view point of a so called terrorist? 

This just proves that even our textbooks, our syllabus the board of education dictates what we should learn, think and discuss on a subject. The real lesson learnt here through this whole eye-opening issue is that fighting against injustice, having an openmind about diffrent people, caste and culture and listening to both sides of a story is simply something that is to be made a black ink, safe in the white corners of a paper. 

Theoretically: No discrimination 
Practically: The above said is impossible.
Dear students, that is the lesson of the year. The ingenuity of the words we learn must be questioned and dear great dictators of education, PREACHING AND TEACHING IS GOOD, BUT PRACTICING IT IS BETTER.


  1. Good move. This might catch the audience far better. And do u thnk CU will take thz into their case studies?? No nevaa..gud luck.:)

    1. thankyou, :) well I don't know about CU but this is definetly my study in this case.

  2. Good expression on the issue ever read... Keep writing.... Blessings of The Almighty be with you always.

    1. thankyou, Do keep reading and do keep praying :)

  3. Was a bit shocked knowing something like that. .bt then came the reference to CU,that made it clear. .nways,wil keep on reading,n u keep on writing. .

    1. definetly will continue writing... am glad you are out of the shock! :)


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